

Our publications are also listed on Google Scholar.


38) Martin, J.M., Michelangeli, M., Bertram, M.G., Blanchfield, P.J., Brand, J.A., Brodin, T., Brooks, B.W., Cerveny, D., Fergusson, K.N., Lagisz, M., Lovin, L.M., Ligocki, I.Y., Nakagawa, S., Ozeki, S., Sandoval-Herrera, N., Scarlett, K.R., Sundin, J., Tan, H., Thoré, E.S.J., Wong, B.B.M., McCallum, E.S. 2024. Evidence of the impacts of pharmaceuticals on aquatic animal behaviour (EIPAAB): a systematic map and open access database. EcoEvoRxiv. | PDF

37) Lagisz, M., Bairos-Novak, K.R., Martinig, A.R., Bertram, M.G., Mizuno, A., Sabet, S.S., Paquet, M., Santana, M.S., Thoré, E.S.J., Trubanová, N., Rutkowska, J., Orr, J.A., Takola, E., Yang, Y., Pottier, P., Gomes, D.G.E., Chan, Y.-C., Xian, Z., Akogwu, C.O., Drobniak, S.M., Nakagawa, S. In press. Priced out of belonging? Insufficient concessions on membership fees across international societies in ecology and evolution. Proc. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci.

36) Brand, J.A.*, Martin, J.M.*, Michelangeli, M., Thoré, E.S.J., Sandoval-Herrera, N., McCallum, E.S., Szabo, D., Callahan, D., Clark, T.D., Bertram, M.G., Brodin, T. 2024. Advancing the spatiotemporal dimension of wildlife–pollution interactions. EcoEvoRxiv. | PDF * Co-first authors

35) Bertram, M.G., Brand, J.A., Thoré, E.S.J., Cerveny, D., McCallum, E.S., Michelangeli, M., Martin, J.M., Fick, J., Brodin, T. In press. Slow-release pharmaceutical implants in ecotoxicology: validating functionality across exposure scenarios. ACS Environmental Au.

34) Bertram, M.G., Ågerstrand, M., Thoré, E.S.J., Allen, J., Balshine, S., Brand, J.A., Brooks, B.W., Dang, Z., Duquesne, S., Ford, A.T., Hoffmann, F., Hollert, H., Jacob, S., Kloas, W., Klüver, N., Lazorchak, J., Ledesma, M., Maack, G., Macartney, E.L., Martin, J.M., Melvin, S.D., Michelangeli, M., Mohr, S., Padilla, S., Pyle, G., Saaristo, M., Sahm, R., Smit, E., Steevens, J.A., Van den Berg, S., Vossen, L.E., Wlodkowic, D., Wong, B.B.M., Ziegler, M., Brodin, T. 2024. EthoCRED: a framework to guide reporting and evaluation of the relevance and reliability of behavioural ecotoxicity studies. Biological Reviews.
* See also the EthoCRED evaluation method website:

33) Lima, C.M., Uliassi, E., Thoré, E.S.J., Bertram, M.G., Cardoso, L., Cordeiro da Silva, A., Costi, M.P., de Koning, H.P. 2024. Environmental impacts of drugs against parasitic vector-borne diseases and the need to integrate sustainability into their development and use. Open Research Europe. 4, 1–21. | PDF

32) Noble, D.W.A., Xirocostas, Z.A., Wu, N.C., Martinig, A.R., Almeida, R.A., Bairos-Novak, K.R., Balti, H., Bertram, M.G., Bliard, L., Brand, J.A., Byrne, I., Chan, Y.-C., Clink, D., Corbel, Q., Correia, R.A., Crawford-Ash, J., Culina, A., D’Bastiani, E., Deme, G.G., Leite, M. de S., Dhellemmes, F., Dimri, S., Drobniak, S.M., Elsy, A.D., Everingham, S.E., Gascoigne, S.J.L., Grainger, M.J., Hossack, G.C., Hovstad, K.A., Ivimey-Cook, E.R., Jones, M.L., Kačergytė, I., Küstner, G., Leibold, D.C., Mair, M.M., Martin, J.M., Mizuno, A., Moodie, I.R., Moreau, D., O’Dea, R., Orr, J.A., Paquet, M., Parajuli, R., Pick, J.L., Pottier, P., Purgar, M., Recio, P., Roche, D.G., Royauté, R., Shafiei Sabet, S., Segovia, J.M.G., Silva, I., Sánchez-Tójar, A., Soares, B.E., Szabo, B., Takola, E., Thoré, E.S.J., Timilsina, B., van Dis, N.E., Verberk, W.C.E.P., Vriend, S.J.G., Wild, K.H., Williams, C., Yang, Y., Nakagawa, S.†, Lagisz, M.† In press. The promise of community-driven preprints in ecology and evolution. Proc. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. † Co-last authors.

31) Tagliazucchi, L., Pinetti, D., Genovese, F., Malpezzi, G., Martinez, A.P., Manzano, J.I., García-Hernandez, R., Cole, A.R., Kwon, B.R., Aiello, D., Brooks, B.W., Thoré, E.S.J., Bertram, M.G., Gamarro, F., Costi, M.P. 2024. Deciphering host-parasite interplay in Leishmania infection through a One Health view of proteomics studies on drug-resistance. ACS Infectious Diseases. 10, 3202−3221. | PDF

30) Bertram, M., M.P. Costi, E. Thoré, T. Sara-Attwood, and B. Brooks. 2024. One Health. Current Biology, 34: PR517-R519. | PDF

29) Ilbeigi, K., C. Barata, J. Barbosa, M. Bertram, G. Caljon, M.P. Costi, A. Kroll, L. Margiotta-Casaluci, E. Thoré, and M. Bundschuh. 2024. Assessing environmental risks during the drug development process for parasitic vector-borne diseases: a critical reflection. ACS Infectious Diseases. 10: 1026-1033.

28) Kafula, Y., G. Mataba, G. Mwaijengo, F. Moyo, L. Munishi, B. Vanschoenwinkel, L. Brendonck, and E. Thoré. 2024. Fish predation affects invertebrate community structure of tropical temporary ponds, with downstream effects on phytoplankton that are obscured by pesticide pollution. Environmental Pollution, 346: 123592. | PDF

27) Thoré, E., A. Aulsebrook, J. Brand, R. Almeida, T. Brodin, and M. Bertram. 2024. Time is of the essence: the importance of considering biological rhythms in an increasingly polluted world. PLoS Biology, 22: e3002478. | PDF


26) Bertram, M., J. Sundin, D. Roche, A. Sánchez-Tójar, E. Thoré, and T. Brodin. 2023. Open Science. Current Biology, 33: R792-R797. | PDF

25) Thoré, E., and W. Merckx. 2023. Substrate colour guides turquoise killifish’s (Nothobranchius furzeri) choice of preferred spawning habitat. Journal of Fish Biology, 102: 1434-14441.

24) Thoré, E., B. Vanden Berghen, L. Brendonck, and T. Pinceel. 2023. Long-term exposure to a pharmaceutical pollutant affects geotaxic behaviour in the adult but not juvenile life stage of killifish. Science of the Total Environment, 876: 162746. | PDF

23) Thoré, E., K. Muylaert, M. Bertram, and T. Brodin. 2023. Microalgae. Current Biology, 33: R91-R95.

22) Kafula, Y., E. Thoré, C. Philippe, L. Munishi, F. Moyo, B. Vanschoenwinkel, and L. Brendonck. 2023. Environmental risks of a commonly used pyrethroid: Insights from temporary pond species of the Lake Manyara Basin, Tanzania. Science of the Total Environment, 868: 161698.


21) Schoeters, F., E. Thoré, A. De Cuyper, I. Noyens, S. Goossens, S. Lybaert, E. Meers, S. Van Miert, and M. Fernandes de Souza. 2022. Microalgal cultivation on grass juice as a novel process for a green biorefinery. Algal Research, 69: 102941. | PDF

20) Philippe, C., E. Thoré, S. Verbesselt, A. Grégoir, L. Brendonck, and T. Pinceel. 2022. Combined effects of global warming and chlorpyrifos exposure on the annual fish Nothobranchius furzeri. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 248: 114290.

19) Kafula, Y., C. Philippe, T. Pinceel, L. Munishi, F. Moyo, B. Vanschoenwinkel, L. Brendonck, and E. Thoré. 2022. Pesticide sensitivity of Nothobranchius neumanni, a temporary pond predator with a non-generic life-history. Chemosphere, 291: 132823.


18) Thoré, E., F. Schoeters, J. Spit, and S. Van Miert. 2021. Real-time monitoring of microalgal biomass in pilot-scale photobioreactors using nephelometry. Processes, 9: 1530. | PDF

17) Thoré, E., F. Schoeters, A. De Cuyper, R. Vleugels, I. Noyens, P. Bleyen, and S. Van Miert. 2021. Waste is the new wealth – recovering resources from poultry wastewater for multifunctional microalgae feedstock. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9: 679917. | PDF

16) Pinceel, T., B. Vanden Berghen, F. Buschke, A. Waterkeyn, I. da Costa Nerantzoulis, M. Rodrigues, E. Thoré, R. Burrough, E. Worth, and L. Brendonck. 2021. Co-occurrence of large branchiopods and killifish in African savannah ponds. Ecology, 102: e03505. | PDF

15) Thoré, E., L. Brendonck, and T. Pinceel. 2021. Neurochemical exposure disrupts sex-specific trade-offs between body length and behaviour in a freshwater crustacean. Aquatic Toxicology, 273: 105877. | PDF

14) Thoré, E., L. Brendonck, and T. Pinceel. 2021. Natural daily patterns in fish behaviour may confound results of ecotoxicological testing. Environmental Pollution, 276: 116738. | PDF

13) Thoré, E., C. Philippe, L. Brendonck, and T. Pinceel. 2021. Towards improved fish tests in ecotoxicology – efficient chronic and multi-generational testing with the killifish Nothobranchius furzeri. Chemosphere, 273: 129697. | PDF

12) Thoré, E., F. Van Hooreweghe, C. Philippe, L. Brendonck, and T. Pinceel. 2021. Generation-specific and interactive effects of pesticide and antidepressant exposure in a fish model call for multi-stressor and multigenerational testing. Aquatic Toxicology, 232: 105743. | PDF


11) Thoré, E., L. Brendonck, and T. Pinceel. 2020. Conspecific density and environmental complexity impact behaviour of turquoise killifish (Nothobranchius furzeri). Journal of Fish Biology, 97: 1448-1461. | PDF

10) Thoré, E., C. Philippe, L. Brendonck, and T. Pinceel. 2020. Antidepressant exposure reduces body size, increases fecundity and alters social behaviour in the short-lived killifish Nothobranchius furzeri. Environmental Pollution, 265: 115068. | PDF


9) Philippe, C., P. Hautekiet, A. Grégoir, E. Thoré, L. Brendonck, G. De Boeck, and T. Pinceel. 2019. Interactive effects of 3,4-DCA and temperature on the annual killifish Nothobranchius furzeri. Aquatic Toxicology, 212: 146-153. | PDF

8) Thoré, E., A. Grégoir, B. Adriaenssens, C. Philippe, R. Stoks, L. Brendonck, and T. Pinceel. 2019. Population-, sex- and individual level divergence in life-history and activity patterns in an annual killifish. PeerJ, 7: e7177. | PDF

7) Thoré, E., L. Steenaerts, C. Philippe, A. F. Grégoir, L. Brendonck, and T. Pinceel. 2019. Improving the reliability and ecological validity of pharmaceutical risk assessment: Turquoise killifish (Nothobranchius furzeri) as a model in behavioral ecotoxicology. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 38: 262-270. | PDF


6) Philippe, C., P. Hautekiet, A. Grégoir, E. Thoré, T. Pinceel, R. Stoks, L. Brendonck, and G. De Boeck. 2018. Combined effects of cadmium exposure and temperature on the annual killifish (Nothobranchius furzeri). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 37: 2361-2371. | PDF

5) Thoré, E., L. Steenaerts, C. Philippe, A. Grégoir, L. Brendonck, and T. Pinceel. 2018. Individual behavioral variation reflects personality divergence in the upcoming model organism Nothobranchius furzeri. Ecology and Evolution, 8: 8448-8457. | PDF

4) Grégoir, A., E. Thoré, C. Philippe, T. Pinceel, L. Brendonck, and B. Vanschoenwinkel. 2018. Squeezing out the last egg—annual fish increase reproductive efforts in response to a predation threat. Ecology and Evolution, 8: 6390-6398. | PDF

3) Philippe, C., A. Grégoir, E. Thoré, L. Brendonck, G. De Boeck, and T. Pinceel. 2018. Acute sensitivity of the killifish Nothobranchius furzeri to a combination of temperature and reference toxicants (cadmium, chlorpyrifos and 3,4-dichloroaniline). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25: 10029-10038. | PDF

2) Grégoir, A., C. Philippe, E. Thoré, J. Reniers, T. Pinceel, B. Vanschoenwinkel, and L. Brendonck. 2018. Life stage dependent responses to desiccation risk in the annual killifish Nothobranchius wattersi. Journal of Fish Biology, 91: 880-895. | PDF

1) Philippe, C., A. Grégoir, E. Thoré, G. De Boeck, L. Brendonck, and T. Pinceel. 2018. Protocol for acute and chronic ecotoxicity testing of the Turquoise killifish Nothobranchius furzeri. Journal of Visualised Experiments, 134: 57308. | PDF

Other publications

Thoré, E., Gelens, L., Espinoza, M. (2024). Over het zeemuurtje. Kennismakers magazine (by FWO, Research Foundation – Flanders): Diep in de zee. Read here.

Holcombe, A., Lagisz, M., Thoré, E. (2024). Translating CRediT into non-English languages. CRediT blog post.

Bertram, M., Thoré, E., Brodin, T., Sánchez-Tójar, A. (2023). Moving towards an open science community. The Royal Society blog post.

Thoré, E. (2021). Duurzame microalgen-teelt op spoelwater van vleeskuikenstallen (English: Sustainable cultivation of microalgae on rinsing water of broiler barns). Pluimvee. Mei: 18-19. (Pluimvee is a professional journal from Belgium for poultry and rabbit keeping.)

PhD thesis: Thoré, E., Brendonck, L. (sup.), Pinceel, T. (cosup.) (2019). Turquoise killifish as an upcoming model organism in behavioural eco(toxico)logy.